

I'm taking a little Sabbatical from my blog - we are on the road the next 5 weeks, and then I've got to get a new school year going - plus just catch up from the summer. :) So, just a little fyi for those of you who do not use a reader yet!

I've meant to keep up better this summer, but it just wasn't going to happen! I was hoping to blog about many things that happened this summer - funerals, weddings, birthdays, trips, etc... But, sorry to say you'll just have to be in suspense for the fall - although I doubt I'll take the time then to go back and write about those things :) Who knows?

But please continue keeping us in your prayers. We are excited for the rest of our trips this summer - we'll be at Family Camp in Missouri, Teen Camp in New York, Day Camp in Canada, Youth Camp in Canada - as well as catching a baseball game in Cleveland for our anniversary - sweetness!

So, we trust that you will all finish out your summer well. Stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!!!


Anne said...

We are praying for your trip and hope that you have a good time. We will miss you all very much and can not wait to see you when you get back. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!