
September in a Glance (or two, or three...)

Girl time at American Girl opening in KC

Time with the niece and nephew at the zoo

Time with friends on the lake!

Beautiful Kansas skies!

Checking out the Harley's!

Pigeon hunting with Joe!

Making a poster that describes me - it cracks me up that Daniel put Absent-Minded! (and exiting - lol)

I loved it when I found all these notes that Rebekah had saved from her lunch box! How sweet that she has kept them all!!

Date night at the K!
Also to note that we started football games this September - what fun! Those pics are on a different camera, however =0[


Kathy said...

i love the notes to your daughter, you are an awesome Mom! I can see why she saved them all!

MagenRanae said...

All of your notes to R are so adorable! :) I'm sure they make her day.